The Song Company's Emerging Artist Program

The Song Company is calling for emerging and early-career singers to register their interest in the Emerging Artist Program and as Apprentices.

The following sections give detailed information about the level of experience sought for both groups. Please read before filling out the Expression of Interest forms. 

You may register your interest in both programs. If you are in doubt or would like more information, please email Executive Director Francis Greep to arrange a conversation.


  • Currently enrolled in undergraduate performance degree or equivalent vocal and musical training
  • Have some choral and/or vocal ensemble experience and wish to gain experience singing one voice per part
  • Demonstrate a love for, and an understanding of, vocal ensemble music
  • Up to 16 Apprentices will be invited to attend an intensive week of one-voice-per-part ensemble singing, masterclasses and skills development with The Song Company and special guest artists 

  • Apprentice activities will be at no charge to participants. 

  • Flights, accommodation and per diems will also be paid to Apprentices from interstate

April 2024 tbc: Apprentice Week, Sydney (details to be confirmed) but will be in University holidays

Register your interest in this program to make sure you receive news on how and when to apply


Register your interest as an Apprentice

Apprentice Expression of Interest

Emerging Artist Details

  • Completed undergraduate performance degree or demonstrated equivalent vocal and musical training

  • Have significant choral and/or vocal ensemble experience

  • Comfortable singing one voice per part in a variety of repertoire styles and periods

  • Demonstrate a love for, and an understanding of, vocal ensemble music

  • Six Emerging Artists (SSATBarB) will be engaged as understudies for each of The Song Company’s major performance projects in 2024

  • Emerging Artists will be paid professional rates.

  • Flights, accommodation and per diems will be paid to artists from interstate

  • Emerging Artists must be available for the entire project period, as set out in the timetable. However, artists do not have to be available for each project to be considered for the program

Sun 1 Oct: Program Launch/Call for Applications
Sun 22 Oct: On-Line Applications close
Wed 22 Nov: Ensemble Auditions, Sydney
Fri 24 Nov: Auditioners notified, offers for 2024 Understudies

Project 1
19-28 Feb: Rehearsals and Emerging Artist Program, Sydney
1-10 March: The Song Company Performance Tour 1 (Emerging Artists to hold dates)

Project 2
4-13 Jun: TSC Rehearsals and Emerging Artist Program, Sydney
14-30 Jun: The Song Company Performance Tour 2 (Emerging Artists to hold dates)

Project 3
9-20 Sep: TSC Rehearsals and Emerging Artist Program, Sydney
21-29 Sep: The Song Company Performance Tour 3 (Emerging Artists to hold dates)


Should you be successful, you will be invited to Sydney on 22 November for auditions

  • The audition day is unpaid; however, interstate singers will have their airfare, per diem and overnight accommodation (if necessary) paid by The Song Company

  • You will be provided music to prepare in advance

  • There will be some group sight-reading

  • Artists of The Song Company will lead singers in musical rehearsals in various combinations

  • You will be expected to sing one voice per part

Stage 1 - on this form

Complete the online expression of interest form linked below that includes:

  • Details of your musical training and experience

  • Your availability for 2023 Auditions in Sydney

  • Your availability for 2024 projects (if known)

Upon Stage 1 registration, you will be sent details about how to apply:

Stage 2 - to be completed by 22 October 2023

  • Upload video of you singing a song or aria
  • Piano accompaniment is not a requirement

  • iPhone quality is acceptable


Register your interest as an Emerging Artist

Applications have now closed. Please contact Francis Greep for program enquiries